
Change Maxsciprt Listener Color Scheme


Welding Shop

The script to draw weld patterns on selected surface…

Place Rivets

Place Rivets is a maxscript for populating geometry object on a given surface along a driven spline.

MultiMatID MaxScript..

MultimatID is a maxscript to distribute multimaterial’s submaterials to the selected polygon object’s faces and elements. Script operates on scene materials. So: a multi-subobject material must […]

ColorId for Polygons Pro

Extended maxsci gui for material id assignment. Features: Multi material assignment: (Do not change button colors after assingning the multimaterial. Do not assign multimaterial while in […]

Fast Color ID for Polygons

Color ID for polygons is the script for quick material id assignment. It becomes handy when using Quixel Painter or Substance Painter… Make sure to select […]

Tank Track Script

A Script for rigging “Tank Tracks”. It’s still under development .

Delay of Civciv

While preparing documentation of civciv, I realised there are so many strict rules to follow in asset preparation for script. Any mistake will result catastopic failure […]

Update about Civciv

The Wing and feather rigging script “Civciv” will be released within April 2017. The script is mostly completed. It is on the documentation phase. In the […]
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